
Adel 4 | apo-RHEUM

Original price was: ₹310.00.Current price is: ₹279.00.

For pain, swelling (inflammation) and stiffness in joints, fibrous tissues and muscles; gout, bursitis. Supports the treatment of arthritis (including osteoarthritis).


Adel 4


Arnica montana 6x

Bryonia cretica 6x

Colchicum autum 4x

Gnaphalium obtus 4x

Guaiacum 6x

Lachnanthes 4x

Solanum dul 4x

Taraxacum offi 4x


Adults : 20 drops thrice a day with some water before meal.

Children : 7-10 drops thrice a day with some water before meal.

Manufactured by

Adelmar Pharma GmbH


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