
Homoeo A to Z Syrup

Original price was: ₹340.00.Current price is: ₹309.00.

Quantity: 450ml

Homoeo A to Z Syrup


Each 5 ml. contains:

Agnus Cast HPI Q 0.15 ml.

Avena Sat HPI Q 0.15 ml.

Aegle Folia. HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Withania Som. HPI Q 0.10 ml.

Alfalfa HPI Q 0.10 ml.

Damiana HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Dioscorea Villosa HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Ginseng HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Hydrastis HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Sabal Serrulata HPI Q 0.05 ml.

Colour Caramel q.s

Flavour q.s

Alcohol Content 12%v/v


An effective curative preparation recommended for physically exhausted due to over work or due to irritations & agonies, for lack of appetite, loss of memory, indigestion fatigue etc.


Two tea Spoonful thrice daily of as directed by the Physician.

Manufactured by

Kent Pharmaceuticals


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